Paulette Packard Johnson
About Paulette Packard Johnson
Growing up on Cape Cod, it seemed like every year in school, right around Thanksgiving time, there would be lessons about those nameless, faceless folks known as the Pilgrims (which Paulette found boring). However, as she grew, an interest in history also grew. And when, as an amateur genealogy sleuth she discovered that several of those faceless folks known as the Pilgrims were, in fact, her ancestors, a whole new dimension of history and the founding of Cape Cod, Plymouth, and America blossomed — now it was personal.
Paulette was happy to leave more than ten years in the financial industry and former careers as an insurance agent and adjuster, to research and study the voyage of the Mayflower and its passengers, and concentrate on writing. When she’s not writing she can be found substitute teaching, painting, making books, or refinishing furniture. Though currently living in Middle Tennessee, Paulette still has Cape Cod sand between her toes, and regardless of where she lives, she’ll always be a Yankee.