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from Paulette Packard Johnson
They were pioneers, who
— having no idea of what was to come —
dared to follow a hope and a dream and succeeded in founding a nation.
They called themselves Saints and Strangers — we call them the Pilgrims. Their odyssey occurred over four-hundred years ago, that voyage of the Mayflower. For most of us, those four-hundred years have faded their company into faceless, barely-remembered beings.
In Of Saints and Strangers, the Great American Story, author Paulette Johnson crawls into the hearts and minds of these men, women, and children, and produces a historically solid, truly emotional and insightful reading experience.
Bringing the crossing of the Mayflower and the founding of Plymouth Bay Colony into relevancy, the tale is told from the Pilgrims' points of view, in first person Elizabethan English. Meet the individuals we call Pilgrims, as they express faith, doubt, fear, and gut-wrenching determination to survive and thrive.
"I think for many Americans — because it happened so long ago — time has dulled the sailing of the Mayflower and the founding of Plymouth into irrelevancy. We've glumped 'the Pilgrims' into a group, forgetting that they were men and women just like us, only in an extraordinary situation. They deserve to be remembered as individuals with integrity, conviction, bravery and resolve. Because of their sacrifices, grit and fortitude, America has been – and continues to be – a sanctuary for millions of people from around the world," Ms. Johnson said.